FAQs and expert advice about drinks

Here is a selection of Q&As from An Essex Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

The drinks are on ice!

The drinks are on ice!

Q I'm planning my festival themed tipi wedding and need as many ideas as possible - help!
A Natalie Lane says: Firstly, congratulations on your wedding, a festival themed wedding sounds amazing.

My frozen cocktail van would be the perfect touch for your festival themed wedding. It's a converted ice-cream van (which is a massive hit with all different age groups) the theme of the van is pink and flowers! I also have fairylights and a light-up cocktail sign, which looks amazing at night especially next to the tipi or dancefloor! We offer a range of different flavours in mocktails and cocktails, making it perfect for those who are driving or want to let their hair down. I think this could match your theme. Everything can be personalised for your big day, to add that extra little touch - including the menu, drink names and stickers.

Natalie Lane, Oh So Slush

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