FAQs and expert advice about tents, tipis & marquees

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Q We're having a large wedding (100 day guests) and are thinking of hiring a tipi or stretch tent. What should we take into consideration before booking?
A Finn Boylan says: Before booking your stretch tent. There are some crucial considerations to be aware of; firstly, your chosen stretch tent size will require an additional two metres extra space all around the tent. This is to allow for the guide ropes. For example, a 10m x 20m will require a minimum area of 12m x 22m.

Secondly, due to the UK weather, it's advisable to choose a stretch tent that is slightly larger than required. Should the weather turn, this will give you the option to put some of the sides down. Without losing to much inside space or effecting any table plans.

Thirdly, your venue will need to assess the proposed site area. Checking for any overhead trees or cables and note any potential drains or cables underground - stretch tent stakes are one metre in length!

Finally, should the tent be set up in an open field, bear in mind that the most prevalent winds are south westerly. Consider this when positioning your stretch tent. Ideally, you don't want winds travelling into the opening of your tent!

Finn Boylan, Stretch Tent Horizons

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