FAQs and expert advice about bridesmaid dresses

Here is a selection of Q&As from An Essex Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

Serene Greens

Serene Greens

Q I'm in the early stages of planning my wedding, for spring 2026. What colours do you think will be popular in 2025/6 and beyond?
A Debbie Meads says: Congratulations on your forthcoming wedding. As we head into 2025 green is proving oh-so popular. We've seen a lot of sage green, now brides are exploring olive and forest green tones. Buttercup yellow has also been requested for some of our 2026 weddings, so watch this space. Furthermore, nude tones are going nowhere - you can't go wrong.

You're welcome to book an appointment with us where we can show you a full array of dresses, styles and colours. We can also show you all the possible colour options that are available to you.

Upon placing an order, we can provide you fabric swatches so matching things throughout your wedding will be much easier for you.

Debbie Meads, Peaches Wedding Shop

Orsett Hall Wedding Show


Old Essex Barn Wedding Show


Layer Marney Tower Wedding Show


Houchins Wedding Show